
I am inspired to write and to make in response to the simple and beautiful observations of everyday life. 


I am an artist, writer and mother to two beautiful children who is prayerfully growing into the creative woman God has called me to be.

Initially, I started this blog as a way to share my observations from reading the Bible for the first time (completed earlier this year, at 42 years old mind you!) but it has since morphed into the enlightening, convicting and sometimes frustrating observations of my everyday life as a wife, mother, artist and ministry leader.  These ‘ramblings’ are expressed through the lens of a life rededicated to following Christ Jesus.

A bit about that…the rededication thing.

In 2013, while I was pregnant with my daughter, I began to realize that my attempts at trying to ‘plan my life’ weren’t going so well.  There was not one drastic event that allowed me to hear Christ’s voice, but a series of little catastrophes that finally drew me to Him. Long story short – I came to know His love, peace and clarity and was lead to share it in natural ways for me…through writing and through art.

Maya Angelou is quoted as saying, “You can’t use up creativity. The more you use, the more you have”.  Our creativity, however we express it, is an inexhaustible gift from God. My way of sharing with the world is through the mediums of writing and making art. With this being a blog, you’ll get mostly words, with just a little bit of art.

I hope you find something here that is familiar or resonates with you. At the very least, I pray you find encouragement, hope and a little bit of laughter.

With love and grace,
